COVID-19 impact analysis on the cement production

The impact of the COVID 19 pandemic on the cement market is analyzed. Forecasts of the trends in cement production up to 2025 in the world, regions and individual countries are given. In 2020, global production is expected to decrease by 9.3%, and in 2021, this indi...

The cement industry in Germany

Industrial cement production in Germany has started in the middle of the 19th century. Over the years the cement production in Germany has further developed, today the industry comprises 21 companies, having produced 33.7 Mt of cement and 24.5 Mt of cement clinker in 20...

Cement and clinker exports from Black Sea and Baltic

Some cement producers in Black Sea and Baltic Sea regions may consider potential exports when facing depressed domestic markets to allocate their excess capacities of cement and clinker in export markets. Black Sea export sources are located in disadvantage positions vi...

Replacing a kiln burner at OOO Krasnoyarsky Cement

The modernization project of the wet process line kiln burner system at OOO Krasnoyarsky Cement (part of AO HC SibCem) is described, carried out by ZAB Dessau, a subsidiary of KHD Humboldt Wedag (both - Germany). The modernization was primarily due to the need to meet n...

Important issues of digitalization of production facilities

Important issues of digitalization of production facilitiesThe information-analytical system of Factory Energy Management (IAS), developed by OOO «GCE - New Technologies», allows automating the energy consumption of an industrial factory. IAS helps to improve ef...

Tagged neutron technology, a new method for elemental analysis of mineral raw materials

The article discusses a new method for determining the elemental composition of a substance —the method of tagged neutrons (MTN). Compared to conventional neutron technologies based on thermal neutrons, MTN has a greater penetrating power, ability to determine t...

Quality sample preparation as a key to reproducible X-ray fluorescence analysis

Methods for preparing samples for XRF analysis of cement materials are described, as well as their effect on the data obtained. The advantages of fusion rather than pressing are shown. The results of XRF samples prepared in gas and electric fusion systems manufactured b...

Anniversary of AO Gornozavodskcement

In 2020, AO Gornozavodskcement turns 65. Since 2019, the operation has been part of a group of companies united by the AKKERMANN cement brand. The plant is undergoing global modernization of the process equipment. In 2019, the a program for production development began,...

Phase composition of the interface area between steel reinforcement and cement matrix in reinforced concrete

Chemical and phase composition of the interface between the cement matrix and steel in reinforced concrete, depending on its age, was studied. It was found that, contrary to traditional views, steel does react with cement matrix, and this process begins with the diffusi...

Cement production at Krichevcementnoshifer

OAO Krichevcementnoshifer, which is part of the Belarusian Cement Holding Company, produces cement by the dry process. To ensure the high quality of a wide range of products, modern testing and analytical equipment is used. The equipment is consistently modernized, incl...

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