Ceremonial launch of the OOO Cemix white cement production plant

On August 6, 2021 the ceremonial commissioning of the OOO Cemix white cement plant located in the Abzelilovsky district of the Republic of Bashkortostan (RB) near Magnitogorsk in the Chelyabinsk region took place. The plant is owned by Lasselsberger Group, which is ...

CEMBUREAU — cement markets in Europe and in the world

An overview of global cement market and information on cement and construction markets in Europe is provided. Corresponding country by country analysis and forecasts for Europe is given.

Cement industry in Poland

Cement plants in Poland are equipped with modern equipment. In recent years the country has been one of the three largest cement producers in Europe. Alternative raw materials and fuels are widely used in cement production.

Co­processing of wastes — the way for resource preservation in resource intensive industries. The cement industry case

Increasing demand in go goods, combined with resource scarcity, pressure to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increasing consumption and subsequent waste generation, makes low grade resources and waste treatment in Resource Intensive Industries (RII’s) an interesting opp...

Digital technologies at EUROCEMENT Group companies

The central topic for today's cement industry is a large-scale digital transformation. Among a significant number of technologies and products production management information systems (PMIS), or MES (Manufacturing Execution Systems), a frequently used acronym, are ...

Technical re­equipment of Krasnoyarsk cement plant

The article is about the environmental investment projects carried out by AO HC Sibcem at the Krasnoyarsk cement plant that it owned in 2019–2020. Completion of the projects has significantly reduced the content of solid particles in the flue gases of rotary kilns. ...

Upgrading for the sake of clean air

The Sukholozhsk-Cement plant of SLK Cement, a part of the international holding company Buzzi Unicem, is replacing electric precipitators of its clinker burning rotary kilns. The upgrading of the dust collection system from the exhaust gases of kiln No. 1 made it po...

95th anniversary of AO Bekabadcement

AO Bekabadcement, a part of United Cement Group Holding Company, celebrated its 95th anniversary on the 26th of June, 2021. The oldest cement enterprise in Uzbekistan produces cement by dry and wet methods. The company constantly undertakes modernization projects in...

Universal reactor for burning alternative fuels from waste for cement industry

The PYROROTOR® reactor from KHD, Germany, is the most universal unit for burning alternative fuels from waste materials at cement plants. PYROROTOR® makes it possible to achieve the highest heat replacement rates even with alternative fuels with the least amount of ...

Conversion of Novospassky cement plant to gas fuel

The project of transfer of Novospassky cement plant of AO Spasskcement, a part of Vostokcement group of companies, from hard coal to gaseous fuel is completed. As a result the production process and work of the plant's personnel are optimized and coal dust emissions...

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