Coprocessing of wastes — the way for resource preservation in resource intensive industries. The cement industry case
Increasing demand in go goods, combined with resource scarcity, pressure to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, increasing consumption and subsequent waste generation, makes low grade resources and waste treatment in Resource Intensive Industries (RII’s) an interesting opportunity. Wastes and low grade resources co-processing combines the complete energy recovery of organic fraction and full recycling of the mineral fraction jointly needed in major’s RII’s industrial processes. Many NGO’s and International bodies (UN) have now recognized cement kilns to be one of the best treatment options available locally for organic hazardous wastes and non-hazardous in countries, which chose to restrict or avoid building incinerators. Co-processing needs a high level and professional approach from the industries: it needs to be regulated and monitored by the Authorities, as is the case for all other waste management activities. The advantages are clear: reducing the need for fossil fuels and virgin raw materials and contributing to overall reduced CO2 emissions compared to landfilling or waste incineration.Author: F. De Raedt, J.P. Degre, K.H. Karstensen |
Section: Waste utilization |
Keywords: co-processing, cement kiln, waste, CO2 emissions |
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