The CLEANKER (CLEAN clinKER production by calcium looping process) project got EC support from October 2017 to September 2021 under the Horizon 2020 c...
Issue №2, 2020 |
Section: Ecology and safety |
Keywords: CO₂ capture, CCSU, Calcium Looping, cement, clinker, entrained flow reactor, demonstrator |
Autor: M. Fantini, M. Spinelli, F. Magli, M. Gatti, S. Consonni. |
The most pressing issue for the cement plant of the future may be Portland cement’s large CO2 footprint. Exactly how the final targets will be set and...
Issue №6, 2018 |
Section: Ecology and safety |
Keywords: cement plant, Portland cement production, CO2 emission, CO2 capture, oxy-combustion, oxy-calcination, indirect calcination. |
Autor: J. Kline. |