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Since 2002 every issue of the journal Cement and its Applications timed with the next regular Petrocem Conference contains materials obtained from cem...
Issue №1, 2018
Section: Review
Keywords: cement industry, cement production, modernization of the cement industry, waste utilization.
The situation at the cement companies of other post-Soviet countries is covered in detail in the materials published in this section.
Issue №1, 2016
Section: Review
Keywords: Russian cement industry, cement production, modernization of the cement industry, waste utilization
In the time that has elapsed since PETROCEM 2010, the cement industry of Russia has recharged. Commissioning of modern and efficient production facili...
Issue №1, 2012
Section: Review
Keywords: Russian cement industry, cement production, modernization of the cement industry, waste utilization
In this issue of the journal we publish information about the cement industry and markets of the CIS countries obtained from cement manufacturers, ass...
Issue №1, 2013
Section: Review
Keywords: cement industry of the CIS countries, cement production, modernization of the cement industry, waste management, construction output

The use of materials published on the site is allowed only with reference to the source (the journal «Cement and its application») and a hyperlink to the quoted material.
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