In 1920, the Institute of Communication Engineers Corps saw the birth of the "Building materials" department (now called "Building ...
Issue №1, 2021 |
Section: Jubilees |
Keywords: construction materials, education, quality control. |
The PSA line of laser diffractometers by Austrian Anton Paar, exclusively represented in Russia and Belarus by OOO Avrora, was specifically developed ...
Issue №6, 2018 |
Section: Control of production |
Keywords: grain size composition, laser diffractometer, cement, quality control. |
Autor: I.A. Malkova. |
The innovative modular software product AKKERMANN concrete, exclusive rights to the distribution of which were acquired by OOO South Ural Mining and P...
Issue №1, 2018 |
Section: Control of production |
Keywords: software product, concrete composition, quality control. |
Autor: K.M. Morozov. |