The stability of cementless mortars containing ground granulated blast furnace slag as a binder activated by high-calcium fly ash in combination with ...
Issue №3, 2023 |
Section: Waste utilization |
Keywords: granulated blast-furnace slag, blast-furnace slag activation, high-calcium fly-ash, sodium carbonate, durability, alkali-silica reaction, sulphate resistance, efflorescence |
Autor: A.S. Brykov,, M.Ye. Voronkov. |
High calcium fly ash generated at pulverized solid fuel combustion at thermal power plants in combination with sodium carbonate is an effective dry ac...
Issue №1, 2022 |
Section: Science and production |
Keywords: granulated blast-furnace slag, blast-furnace slag activation, high-calcium fly-ash, sodium carbonate |
Autor: A.S. Brykov, M.E. Voronkov. |
Consumers prefer other types of cement to slag-Portland cement in the concrete mix. Slag Portland cement slows the setting rate of concrete. This pape...
Issue №6, 2020 |
Section: Science and production |
Keywords: granulated blastfurnace slag, ground granulated blastfurnace slag, GGBS, glassy phase, melilite glass, melilite, akermanite, gehlenite, tobermorite, slag activation, portland blastfurnace slag cement, GGBS concrete |
Autor: I.M. Ivanov, L.Ya. Kramar, A.A. Myasnikova. |