
In 2024, enterprises of the construction industry in Tajikistan increased their production by 558.5 million TJS compared to the previous year, the growth rate amounted to 116.4 %
Region: Tajikistan
At the end of the 2024 financial year, Carthage Cement was able to stabilize its solidity with a total turnover of 421 million dinars, a decrease of 2 % compared to 2023, in an economic context marked by numerous challenges
Region: Africa
While cement supply is projected to reach approximately 124.75 million tonnes this year, domestic demand is only expected to be around 63.5 million tonnes
Region: Vietnam
Pakistan's cement exports increased 23.21 percent in the first half of the current fiscal year (July 2024- June 2025), compared to the same period of the last fiscal year, the  Pakistan Bureau of Statistics (PBS) said on Wednesday
Region: Pakistan
Iran's cement production capacity has reached 90 million tons annually, with 85 percent of the required machinery and parts manufactured domestically, according to Majid Vafapour, head of the Cement Industry Employers Association
Region: Iran
The SNL cement and clinker factory in Catumbela, Benguela province, is set to provide a significant boost to real estate developers and the construction industry in Angola
Region: Africa
Huaxin issued an announcement proposing to spend US$186.6 million to acquire four aggregate plants in Brazil
Region: Brazil
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