On the eve of the anniversary, 14 million tons have been produced since the launch of dry-process of cement production line.
On November 10, 1039, the torch was lit in the first rotary kiln of the Krichev Cement Plant.
Today, Krichevcementnoshiffer includes seven branches, and the enterprise itself is part of the Belarusian Cement Company Group. Over the last five years the enterprise has been awarded a number of diplomas for achievements in the manufacture of its products
Krichevcementnoshiffer celebrates its anniversary by decent achievements.
For 9 months of 2023 Krichevcementnoshifer produced 1.2 million tons of products. Production capacities of the enterprise are fully utilized by 99.4 %. 1.2 million tons of products were shipped in January-September. The shipment increased by 4.1 % compared to the same period last year. Cement stocks decreased more than 4 times compared to the same period last year.
Competent management decisions in difficult economic conditions allowed to ensure export growth. More than 700 thousand tons of cement was shipped to the foreign market, which is 1.8 times more than in the same period last year. The share of export is 60.0%, i.e. it increased by 24.5 %
In order to be successful in the market it is necessary to constantly improve, meet quality standards, reduce production costs and expand the range of products.
In order to increase production volumes and to fully meet the market demand, production tests were carried out and in June a pilot batch of Portland cement CEM I 42.5 DP GOST 33174-2014 was produced.
In November 2022, a test batch of sandy sand mix for construction works was produced. The mix is shipped exclusively for export.
The efficiency of the company's work is primarily proved by the received profit. According to the results of work for 9 months of 2023, the headquarters enterprise received 22.8 million rubles of profit from sales.
In November 2022, the pilot batch of sandy mix for construction works was produced. The mix is shipped exclusively for export.
The efficiency of the company's work is first of all demonstrated by the profit received. According to the results of work for 9 months of 2023, the head enterprise received 22.8 million rubles profit from sales of products.
Achievement of the best results is possible only by improvement of technological process, and technical equipment of the enterprise. Technical re-equipment and modernization activities are constantly implemented at "Krichevcementnoshiffer". So the amount of investments for 9 months amounted to 8.8 million rubles. It is more than 2.3 times more than for the same period of the last year.