20.09.2021 13:18

Almost 9 million tons of cement were produced in Kazakhstan in 7 months of 2021

According to the Bureau of National Statistics of Kazakhstan, in January–August 2021, 8 785.4 thousand tons of Portland cement, alumina cement, slag cement and hydraulic cements were produced in the country. In August 2021, cement production increased by 7.4% or by 1.3 million tons (1,342.2 thousand tons). Production volumes for 7 months of 2021 increased by 20.5%.

Analyzing the indicators for the same period in 2020, the volume of production of prefabricated concrete structures in January-August 2021 decreased by 6.7%, to 666, 3 thousand tons. When comparing the situation of the last year in August 2021, the decrease was significant - by 28.4% and amounted to 87.63 thousand tons.

Brick production in January–August 2021 increased by 90.1% to 3,858.3 thousand cubic meters. While the volume of brick production in August 2021 decreased by 65.2%, to 106.2 thousand cubic meters.

When analyzing production volumes for the entire summer period, it should be noted that in August the figures are slightly lower than 1,342.2 thousand tons, as for June and July 2021 - it is 1,410.2 thousand tons and 1,376.2 thousand tons respectively.
Region: Kazakhstan
Source: Bureau of National Statistics of Kazakhstan
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