05.04.2021 08:01

Construction and installation projects of new equipment have been implemented at the Kant Cement Plant

Kant Cement Plant has successfully carried out modernization of its kiln line in 2020. Existing kiln was replaced at one of the burners with a modern and technologically advanced equipment from Unitherm Cemcon. The main advantage of the new kiln line is control of the primary air supply, which allows for more complete combustion of the supplied fuel and better clinker firing.

ESP of the rotary kiln was overhauled (complete replacement of the corona electrodes), which led to a decrease in emissions into the atmosphere. The draft MPE standards have developed a five-year plan of measures to reduce emissions of pollutants. Over the next five years, plans are under way to repair 4 more filters, which will lead to reaching the MPE level.

New additives of limestone raw materials were successfully introduced into production in 2020, which made it possible to reduce the cost of cement.

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