29.09.2021 12:43

Iran triples its exports by rail through Sarakhs border crossing

Managing director of Khorasan Railways Company stated on Sunday that during the spring and summer seasons of this year 600 thousand tons of Iranian goods were exported in over 9,500 cargo train compartments through Sarakhs land border to Central Asia, which is tripled compared with the same period of 2020. 

Mostafa Nasiri-Worg told that Khorasan-e Razavi loaded 550 thousand tons of export goods, allocating 92 % of those exports to itself.

"Cement was the topmost good exported through Sarakhs Border with 36 % share of the total exports to Central Asian countries, and Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan, respectively with 45 and 41 % were the main destination for the Iranian goods exported by rail to Central Asia," he said.

The managing director of Khorasan Railways Company added that keeping in mind the privileges of the rail transportation, including less fuel consumption, less traffic, less road accidents, and less environment pollution, the Khorasan Railways Company has allocated its rail services to the provincial and national exporters in order to boost production.

Sarakhs border city is located 202 kilometers to the northeast of the provincial capital city, Mashad.
Region: Iran
Source: IRNA
Image source: Business Turkmenistan
Tags: export, cement
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