15.12.2022 00:00

TITAN Group achieves top score “A” by CDP for leading climate action

TITAN Group achieves top score “A” by CDP for leading climate action TITAN Group has received a top “A” score on climate action from the environmental non-profit organization CDP*. ΤΙΤΑΝ is one of only three cement companies globally to achieve this level in 2022. This score recognizes TITAN’s leadership in corporate transparency and performance on climate change. In addition, TITAN received an “A-” score in water security.

TITAN Group is one of the 283 companies across all sectors that achieved an “A” on climate, out of nearly 15,000 companies scored. CDP’s annual environmental disclosure and scoring process is widely recognized as the gold standard of corporate environmental transparency. A detailed and independent methodology is used to assess the companies, allocating a score of “A” to “D-“.

In 2022, TITAN Group raised its climate ambition even further with updated CO2 reduction targets for 2030 in line with the 1.5oC scenario. With the new targets, which were validated by the Science Based Targets Initiative (SBTi), TITAN seeks to address not only direct (Scope 1) emissions and indirect emissions from the generation of purchased electricity (Scope 2), but also other indirect emissions of the supply chain (Scope 3). By 2050, the Group aims to achieve net zero greenhouse gas emissions across the value chain. With more than 90 decarbonization initiatives in the pipeline across its regions, TITAN is well on track to deliver on its climate commitments.

 TITAN discloses its relevant independently verified CO2 emissions and climate change performance, from both its major operations and its value chain, through the CDP report annually. The relevant disclosures are based on the recommendations of the TCFD (Task Force on Climate-related Financial Disclosures).
Region: Greece
Source: TITAN Cement
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