Design rationale of process flow sheets for quarries of raw materials for building industry.
OOO SPb-Giproshakht is a Russian design and consulting company. It designs mining enterprises for all kinds of solid minerals, including quarries for extraction of building materials. The quarries of cement raw materials have a specific sequence of operation in order to ensure the stable quality of mineral raw materials for further processing. In their design optimum mixes of the process equipment are chosen, including articulated dump trucks, conveyors and crushing complexes. When choosing proper technology, sets of equipment are optimized from the standpoint of the minimum cost of ownership, taking into account not only the price of the equipment itself, but also the cost of its operation during the entire lifetime.Author: S.P. Reshetnyak, D.V. Klimov, E.V. Kuran, N.I. Baychurina |
Section: Equipment and technology |
Keywords: quarry, raw materials for cement, mineral resources, producing equipment, minerals delivery, overburden operations, cost of ownership, recultivation |
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