The information on the corporate structure of the Japanese cement industry, production capacity of its plants, production and consumption of cement, and export and import of cement and clinker is presented. The technical development of the industry from the 1970s to the...
The information on the main areas of using nanotechnologies in relation to building materials is given. The use of nanoparticles, nanofibres and nanocompounds on the basis of graphene for the modification of cement-based materials, as well as the role of nanotechnologie...
On October 23, 2017 is the 15th anniversary of OOO South Ural Mining & Processing Company (YUGPK), which is one of the top 10 cement producers in Russia. The company operates two dry process cement production lines, constantly modernizing them and purchasing new...
Circulation of volatile elements and compounds can lead to a failure of the clinker burning process. In the first part of this article, the causes for the circulation of chlorine, sulfur trioxide and alkaline oxides within the kiln system are considered. A systematic ap...
Roller presses developed by KHD Humboldt Wedag (Germany) are described, and their use for grinding cement materials, including granulated blast-furnace slag. The characteristics of roller-presses and vertical roller mills, as well as their operational parameters...
The experience of operating the M.A.S./2/KO.EG.SO.X burner (manufactured by Unitherm Cemcon, Austria) is described at the OOO Asia Cement plant. The design of M.A.S. type burners enables to regulate the shape of the flame by changing the angle and speed of the n...
Nowadays, efficient crushing plants can be found in every mining operations of every modern cement works. During past decades, for economic reasons, cement manufacturers usually preferred a stationary crushing plant near to the cement works. However, in case of economic...
Weight batchers, feeders, scales, flow meters and other equipment by the French HASLER Group are described. Using an extensive experience of work with cement companies, the group offers a customized approach to technical problems facing its customers. Examples of equipm...
Rheological properties and the zeta potential of fresh fly ash cement paste based on cements containing siliceous fly ash were identified, and the ionic composition of the pore solution was analysed. Narrow particle size distribution and sintered agglomerates within fly...
The results of comparative tests of cement-sand mortars with a reactive aggregate in the solutions of sodium hydroxide (NaOH) and sodium salts (sulfate, chloride and nitrate) under conditions close to the accelerated procedure in accordance with GOST 826...