Cement industry in Great Britain.

The corporate structure of the cement industry of the UK is described and the trends of its development. In the 21st century one of them is vertical integration. The data on the production, sales, import and export of cement, areas where it is used are presented. After ...

Cement industry in Portugal.

The corporate structure of the Portuguese cement industry is described. The data on the cost trends of construction work in Portugal, on the production and consumption of cement in the country, as well as on the export of cement and clinker. In recent years, up to 70...

Alternative fuel as an essential cement business strategy.

The advantages of using alternative fuels at cement plants are shown. The earlier the cement producer starts the project of partial replacement of fossil fuels with them, the higher his competitiveness will be in the long term. An outline of actions is proposed for the ...

Raw materials for cement. Topical collection.

Raw materials are basic for cement production. The choice of the production method and appropriate design solutions for the future plant directly depends on the characteristics of the raw materials, so careful analysis is necessary before the design work begins. Recent ...

OAO Sukholozhsk-Cement: 45 years of moving forward.

In 2017, OAO Sukholozhsk-Cement, the largest company of the Buzzi Unicem/Dyckerhoff Group, is 45. The plant, which has rich traditions of using advanced technologies and equipment, constantly runs investment projects. In general, they are aimed at refurbishing the grind...

Use of refractories for energy saving.

The article discusses the use of refractory bricks, developed by Höganäs Bjuf (Sweden), resistant to alkali and chlorine compounds, as well as strong acid-resistant thermal insulation bricks. Their use in the lining of rotary kilns and other parts of the burning...

New high-performance classifier.

The article describes the results of using the SHR- V classifier mill developed by Poittemill (France) when transferring ball mills to closed circuit operation. The production rate of the mills increases to a large extent (by 15-20%), the specific en...

Increase in production through the modernization of ID fans.

The efficiency of the kilns and the total volumetric flow of gases discharged by the ID fans from the clinker burning system are directly proportional to each other. ID fans are the key equipment for increasing the capacity of kiln systems. Modernization or replacement ...

Acoustic sound device for cleaning technological equipment.

The design and operating principle of acoustic cleaners produced by Primasonics International Limited (UK) and their use for cleaning cement production equipment are described. Acoustic cleaning allows, in particular, to prevent unplanned shutdowns of equipment ...

Ukrainian cement industry. Results of operations in nine months of 2017.

In nine months of 2017 7,136 kt of cement, which is 1.9% more than in nine months of 2016, and 4,744 kt of clinker were produced by enterprizes – members of Ukrcement Association. In January— August 2017 the country exported 14.8 kt of clinker and 178.4 kt of cement...

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