
The article discusses the effect of a portland cement chemical composition on a mortar salt formation. The variation of a mortar salt formation was es...
Issue №2, 2008
Section: Science and production
Keywords: efflorescence, X-ray phase analysis, magnesia concentration
Autor: I.G. Lughinina, I.N. Afonina.
The article examines the use of mineral slurries in building mortars and concretes. The results are presented of investigating the hydration and harde...
Issue №2, 2008
Section: Science and production
Keywords: alternative technology, green materials, hydration, concreting, calcium carbonate
Autor: О.V. Таrakanov, Т.V. Pronina.
The article presents a comparative study of the strength, dispersity and particle size distribution of the Russian and international cements. It is sh...
Issue №2, 2008
Section: Standartization and quality
Keywords: import, exporters, clinker activity, comparative analysis
Autor: Z.B. Entin, L.S. Nefedova.
A review made by CEMBUREAU of the world and European cement production and consumption and the world energy market.
Issue №3, 2008
Section: Review
Keywords: Cembureau, report, trends, global manufacturing, energy market
The article reviews the strategy of actions of KHD Humboldt Wedag GmbH and ZAB Industrietechnik & Service GmbH companies in the Russian market of ceme...
Issue №3, 2008
Section: Equipment and technology
Keywords: KHD, Mordov-Cement, Soda
Autor: E.V. Schegolyaev.
In designing and supplying the equipment of process lines for the production of cement, lime and for ore mining and processing enterprises, PSP Engine...
Issue №3, 2008
Section: Equipment and technology
Keywords: tube mills, separators, press-rolling shredder, grinding
Autor: P. Zbozinek.
The article describes a cement mill modernization project at the Iskitim cement plant. The mill operates in an open-circuit mode with the internals fr...
Issue №3, 2008
Section: Equipment and technology
Keywords: Iskitim, modernization, reconstruction
Autor: V.V. Aleinikov.
The article describes the application areas, main features and technical characteristics of the Atlas Copco low-pressure ZS series compressors. The co...
Issue №3, 2008
Section: Equipment and technology
Keywords: Atlas Copco, productivity gains, compressors, application domain
Autor: D. Korobko.
The article describes the conveying systems based on axleless spirals, used for handling cement and other loose materials. Their advantages are consid...
Issue №3, 2008
Section: Equipment and technology
Keywords: transportation, spiral conveyor
Autor: V. D. Shipulin.
The article gives the specifications and applications of various types of the electronic tensometric scales manufactured by Metra, a Russian company. ...
Issue №3, 2008
Section: Equipment and technology
Keywords: weight measuring equipment, strain-gauge balance, weight record
Autor: M.Yu. Lopushansky.

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