An analysis of the cement industry of Russia in 2014 is offered in the paper together with the possible prospects of its development. According to pre...
Issue №6, 2014 |
Section: Review |
Keywords: cement industry, production, consumption, export, import, dry process |
Autor: G.Yu. Vasilik, Ye.M. Yeremina. |
The paper offers a forecast of the situation at major emerging and developed markets of cement in the world in 2015.
Issue №6, 2014 |
Section: Review |
Keywords: cement markets. mature markets, emerging markets, profitability |
Autor: Ya. Touahri. |
In accordance with the Program for the development of construction, energy and industrial sectors of Turkmenistan for 2012-2016, approved by the Presi...
Issue №6, 2014 |
Section: Review |
Keywords: cement plant, dry process, cement consumption |
The market of dry building mixes in Russia: the preliminary results of 2014 and short-term prospects
Issue №6, 2014 |
Section: Dry construction mixes |
Keywords: dry construction mixes, production, consumption, import |
Autor: E.N. Botka. |
The article demonstrates the production potential of Volgocemmash factory manufacturing the basic equipment for the production of cement by dry and we...
Issue №6, 2014 |
Section: Companies and firms |
Keywords: equipment for cement production, dry and wet processes, modernization, repair |
Autor: N.G. Goncharenko. |
In 2014 8,854.3 kt of cement and 6,064.6 kt of clinker were produced, or, respectively, 9.0% and 5.3% less than the previous year. Per capita ...
Issue №6, 2014 |
Section: Ukrainian pages |
Keywords: cement and clinker production in Ukraine, cement consumption in regions of Ukraine |
The paper describes a project to build a new clinker production line at OAO Sebryakov-Cement. The engineering and equipment supplier was Danish FLSmid...
Issue №6, 2014 |
Section: Equipment and technology |
Keywords: clinker burning process line, dry process, wet raw materials |
Autor: S.P. Rogachev, P. Grydgaard, K.H. Jensen. |
The paper describes a new dry process clinker production line at AO Bekabad-Cement, commissioned in 2013. The characteristics of the basic process equ...
Issue №6, 2014 |
Section: Equipment and technology |
Keywords: process line, clinker, dry process |
Autor: M.V.Yakovlev. |
The paper describes a new plant of the Indian company JK Cement Ltd., located in UAE and commissioned in March 2014. The plant operates the modern dry...
Issue №6, 2014 |
Section: Equipment and technology |
Keywords: cement plant, white cement, grey cement |
Autor: M.P. Rawal, D. Ravisankar, N. Gowrishankar. |
Conventional cement cooling uses water flow that is open to the plant environment leading to issues with efficiency, maintenance, emissions and contam...
Issue №6, 2014 |
Section: Equipment and technology |
Keywords: cement cooling, efficiency improving, cost reducing |
Autor: N. Sutherland, R. Anbari. |