
An analysis of the cement industry of Russia in 2014 is offered in the paper together with the possible prospects of its development. According to pre...
Issue №6, 2014
Section: Review
Keywords: cement industry, production, consumption, export, import, dry process
Autor: G.Yu. Vasilik, Ye.M. Yeremina.
The paper offers a forecast of the situation at major emerging and developed markets of cement in the world in 2015.
Issue №6, 2014
Section: Review
Keywords: cement markets. mature markets, emerging markets, profitability
Autor: Ya. Touahri.
In accordance with the Program for the development of construction, energy and industrial sectors of Turkmenistan for 2012-2016, approved by the Presi...
Issue №6, 2014
Section: Review
Keywords: cement plant, dry process, cement consumption
The paper sums up the results of the development of dry building mortars (DBM) market in Russia in 2013 and the preliminary results for 2014. ...
Issue №6, 2014
Section: Dry construction mixes
Keywords: dry construction mixes, production, consumption, import
Autor: E.N. Botka.
The article demonstrates the production potential of Volgocemmash factory manufacturing the basic equipment for the production of cement by dry and we...
Issue №6, 2014
Section: Companies and firms
Keywords: equipment for cement production, dry and wet processes, modernization, repair
Autor: N.G. Goncharenko.
In 2014 8,854.3 kt of cement and 6,064.6 kt of clinker were produced, or, respectively, 9.0% and 5.3% less than the previous year. Per capita ...
Issue №6, 2014
Section: Ukrainian pages
Keywords: cement and clinker production in Ukraine, cement consumption in regions of Ukraine
The paper describes a project to build a new clinker production line at OAO Sebryakov-Cement. The engineering and equipment supplier was Danish FLSmid...
Issue №6, 2014
Section: Equipment and technology
Keywords: clinker burning process line, dry process, wet raw materials
Autor: S.P. Rogachev, P. Grydgaard, K.H. Jensen.
The paper describes a new dry process clinker production line at AO Bekabad-Cement, commissioned in 2013. The characteristics of the basic process equ...
Issue №6, 2014
Section: Equipment and technology
Keywords: process line, clinker, dry process
Autor: M.V.Yakovlev.
The paper describes a new plant of the Indian company JK Cement Ltd., located in UAE and commissioned in March 2014. The plant operates the modern dry...
Issue №6, 2014
Section: Equipment and technology
Keywords: cement plant, white cement, grey cement
Autor: M.P. Rawal, D. Ravisankar, N. Gowrishankar.
Conventional cement cooling uses water flow that is open to the plant environment leading to issues with efficiency, maintenance, emissions and contam...
Issue №6, 2014
Section: Equipment and technology
Keywords: cement cooling, efficiency improving, cost reducing
Autor: N. Sutherland, R. Anbari.

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