
Assessment of the impact of a number of factors on the cement consumption in the world allows us to forecast its decrease by 2030. The total produ...
Issue №5, 2023
Section: Review
Keywords: cement, consumption, production, production capacity
Autor: J. Harder .
The article presents the indicators of the Russian construction industry, and also shows a high degree correlation between the dynamics of GDP and...
Issue №5, 2023
Section: Review
Keywords: construction, GDP, housing, construction market
Autor: O.M. Sokolova.
The article summarizes the performance of the cement industry in Pakistan. In the fiscal year 2022 (July 1, 2021 — ​June 30, 2022), 16 compani...
Issue №5, 2023
Section: Review
Keywords: cement, production capacity, production, consumption, export
Autor: S. Tauseef, A. Wajih.
The article presents the mechanisms of the influence of standardization on the issues related to the regulation of the cement products market. The...
Issue №5, 2023
Section: Standartization and quality
Keywords: cement, standardization, technical regulation, state control, conformity assessment, ecology
Autor: E.V. Kostyleva, A.N. Zakharova.
The requirements for Portland cement clinker included in the new GOST 34850–2022 Commercial Portland cement clinker. Technical conditions, and som...
Issue №5, 2023
Section: Standartization and quality
Keywords: cement, clinker, production, sertification
Autor: S.P. Sivkov.
The article presents recommendations of OOO Cemservice related to stage-by-stage upgrading of the cement grinding section and describes the practi...
Issue №5, 2023
Section: Equipment and technology
Keywords: grinding, cement, modernization, closed circuit, productivity, specific power consumption
Autor: A.G. Grinvald.
The use of 3DESA filter cartridges with bags made of corrugated needle-punched fabric according to the technology of OOO DESA makes it possible to...
Issue №5, 2023
Section: Ecology and safety
Keywords: baghouse, bag, modernization
Autor: V.V. Chekalov.
Agricultural wastes are a promising source of raw materials for building materials of various kinds, primarily concrete, where such wastes can be ...
Issue №5, 2023
Section: Waste utilization
Keywords: agricultural waste, rice husks, banana fibers, coconut fibers, biochar, concrete
Autor: S.A. Stelmakh, E.M. Shcherban, A.B. Paskachev, T.G. Rzhevskaya, L.D. Mailyan, I.F. Razveeva, A.A. Pogrebnyak.
Production of high quality cement requires information on the mineralogical and chemical composition of the components and the final product. ANTS...
Issue №5, 2023
Section: Control of production
Keywords: sample preparation, equipment, grinding, analysis
Autor: I.S. Lisitsyna.
The article gives a review and analysis of the main regulatory documents establishing methods of determining the reactivity of aggregates for conc...
Issue №5, 2023
Section: Concrete
Keywords: internal deterioration of concrete, testing methods for aggregates, aggregate reacting capacity in concrete, concrete mix design, durability
Autor: V.R. Falikman, P.N. Sirotin.

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