Analytical lab testing complexes for express multi-element chemical analysis and analysis of the phase composition of raw materials, intermediate prod...
Issue №4, 2018 |
Section: Control of production |
Keywords: chemical analysis, phase composition, X-ray fluorescence spectrometer, X-ray diffractometer. |
Autor: N.G. Prokhorova, D.I. Babenko. |
This article describes the latest development of Bruker AXS - S8 TIGER ECO Cement spectrometer, designed to determine the elemental composition of mat...
Issue №5, 2013 |
Section: Control of production |
Keywords: X-ray fluorescence spectrometer, elemental analysis, materials for cement production. |
comparative study was made of sulfate resistance of cement stone samples with basic sulfates addition (composed of Al(OH)1.78(SO4)...
Issue №5, 2013 |
Section: Science and production |
Keywords: X-ray fluorescence spectrometer, elemental analysis, materials for cement production. |