The article discusses the issues related to the methodology of statistical analysis of the data characterizing the quality of products of cement plant...
Issue №6, 2016 |
Section: Standartization and quality |
Keywords: cement quality, statistical data analysis, certification of products, stability of operating process |
Autor: S.P. Sivkov. |
Methods of mechanical action on the material ground in ball mills and vertical roller mills are fundamentally different from each other. These differe...
Issue №1, 2016 |
Section: Science and production |
Keywords: grinding systems, vertical roller mill, ball mill, particle size distribution, particle shape, particle surface, cement quality |
Autor: I.A. Zlobin, O.S. Mandrikova, I.N. Borisov. |
This article describes the benefits of transferring cement grinding systems from the open to the closed cycle. The performance indicators grow and pow...
Issue №4, 2015 |
Section: Equipment and technology |
Keywords: cement grinding, ball mill, open circuit, closed circuit, separator, cement quality, power saving |
Autor: M. Halbur. |
In 1996, South Africa adopted the European Cement Specification (EN 197) and discontinued the specifications under which cement previously had...
Issue №3, 2009 |
Section: Standartization and quality |
Keywords: cement quality, manufacturer of South Africa, optimization, cement composition |
Autor: A.W. Walker, M.J. Kearns. |
The need for inter-laboratory comparative tests (ICT) of cement is emphasized. The methodology and results of Russia’s first official ICT of c...
Issue №1, 2011 |
Section: Control of production |
Keywords: cement quality; tests of cement; chemical analysis; physical and mechanical properties |
Autor: Z.B. Entin. |
The paper describes the main areas of research by the research and analysis center (RAC), organized in 2004 by the management of OAO Podolsk C...
Issue №6, 2014 |
Section: Jubilees |
Keywords: cement production, energy usage reduction, resources saving, cement quality |
Autor: I.Yu. Burlov. |