The limitations of protective clothing with a thin aluminum coating for the staff of cement plants inspecting cyclone heat exchangers, or working wher...
Issue №3, 2017 |
Section: Ecology and safety |
Keywords: safety, labour safety, protective clothes, cyclone preheater, hot meal. |
Autor: M. Kapphahn. |
The article describes the project of reconstructing several key sections of the dry process production line at OOO Atakay-Cement, and a flow diagram o...
Issue №6, 2016 |
Section: Equipment and technology |
Keywords: reconstruction, process line, cyclone preheater, gas reciprocating power plant |
Autor: B.N. Adamenko, V.V. Tertichny, Y.A. Kalchenko. |
Energy consumption is one of the largest cost components in the production of Portland cement. Energy is consumed through the fuel required to make th...
Issue №5, 2016 |
Section: Equipment and technology |
Keywords: clinker burning, thermal performance, kiln, calciner, cyclone preheater, clinker cooler |
Autor: J. Kline, C. Kline. |
Various methods and their classification variants are considered for Portland cement clinker manufacture based on chalk as the raw material. Possibili...
Issue №4, 2010 |
Section: Equipment and technology |
Keywords: chalk; slurry; wet, semi-wet, semi-dry, dry process; rotary kiln; cyclone preheater; modernization of cement industry |
Autor: M. Kapphahn. |