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Predictive diagnostics systems solve many problems, including data collection and processing, forecasting of equipment failures, operation optimizatio...
Issue №1, 2021
Section: Control of production
Keywords: digital technique, prognoseology, predictive diagnostics system, acoustic emission
Autor: А. I. Markelo, D.N. Nemirovich­-Skrabatun, A.A. Persiaev, A.V. Trifonov.
The quality of equipment and its parts is largely determined by the presence and nature of defects. The critical development of operational defects ma...
Issue №5, 2018
Section: Equipment and technology
Keywords: cement plant, equipment, technical diagnostics, non-destructive inspection.
Autor: M.V. Aksenov.
The article describes a practical approach to creation of the rotary kiln scanner log – a convenient tool for analyzing and comparing the technologica...
Issue №4, 2016
Section: Equipment and technology
Keywords: rotary kiln, coating, rings formation, kiln scanner, diagnostics
Autor: M. Kapphahn.
The paper describes a fundamentally new method for improving performance reliability of rotary cement kilns. The Hot Alignment represents a set of dia...
Issue №1, 2014
Section: Control of production
Keywords: diagnostics, rotary kiln, tires, rollers, thrust rollers, hot alignment, shell, girth gear, mechanical adjustment
Autor: A.B. Goncharov, I.M. Tynnikov, A.B. Tulinov.
The article discusses the benefits of using the new method developed by the Swedish SPM Instrument AB to diagnose bearings of the process equipment fo...
Issue №6, 2013
Section: Control of production
Keywords: shock pulse method, high definition, bearings, diagnostics
Autor: V. Mustafin.

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