The article considers the effect of the characteristics of Portland cement and alumina cements and their ratios on the properties of rapid-hardening m...
Issue №4, 2008 |
Section: Dry construction mixes |
Keywords: dry construction mixes, binding agents, researchs |
Autor: I.N. Medvedeva, Yu. M. Kudla. |
The article offers information on the last International Conference BaltiMix-2008 and provides a review of the conference presentations.
Issue №5, 2008 |
Section: Conferences, seminars, exhibitions |
Keywords: BaltiMix, reports, market, dry construction mixes, manufacturing technique |
The article provides the analyses of Russian and CIS dry mixes market. The author points out the reducing in total number of dry mixes producers in Ru...
Issue №5, 2007 |
Section: Dry construction mixes |
Keywords: market research, dry construction mixes, capacity level |
Autor: E. Botka. |
The article provides information on the International conference on dry construction mixes (September 12–14, St. Petersburg, Russia).
Issue №5, 2007 |
Section: Conferences, seminars, exhibitions |
Keywords: Baltimix, reports, dry construction mixes, chemical additives |
Autor: Yu.V. Nikiforov.. |
Between March 12th and March 15th, MIXBUILD-2007, an international exhibition of dry construction mixes, concrete and mortars, was held in Moscow. Tak...
Issue №2, 2007 |
Section: Conferences, seminars, exhibitions |
Keywords: MIXBUILD, dry construction mixes, concrete, solution |
The article discusses the technical feasibility and possible efficiency of setting up manufacture of non-core products at dry construction mix product...
Issue №2, 2007 |
Section: Dry construction mixes |
Keywords: dry construction mixes, build-up, special cement |
Autor: V.I. Korneyev. |
In the paper the current state of the Russian market of dry mixes is analyzed. According to preliminary results the market development flows under the...
Issue №5, 2010 |
Section: Review |
Keywords: dry construction mixes; market; output; consumption; forecast |
Autor: Ye. Botka. |
The article considers the situation in the Russian market of dry construction mixes (DCM) in 2008 and in the first three quarters of 2009. The...
Issue №5, 2009 |
Section: Dry construction mixes |
Keywords: market growth, dry construction mixes, forecast |
Autor: E. Botka. |
The article offers information on the last international Conference Baltimix-2012 and provides a review of the conference presentations.
Issue №4, 2012 |
Section: Events |
Keywords: Baltimiks, dry construction mixes, standardization in the field of construction mixes, insulation |
An assessment of the results of the dry mixes market of Russia on the basis of data for 9–11 months in 2012 is given. The growth rate of dry mixes out...
Issue №6, 2012 |
Section: Dry construction mixes |
Keywords: dry construction mixes, production, consumption, import |
Autor: E. Botka. |