The article deals with the problems of bleeding at different scale levels. It is noted that the problems of bleeding in concrete and mortar mixtures a...
Issue №5, 2022 |
Section: Science and production |
Keywords: bleeding, aggregative instability, colloidal forces, electrokinetic potential, hydration, cement phases, ettringite |
Autor: L. D. Shakhova, V.M. Konovalov. |
The potential of sulfoferrite clinkers synthesized from iron-containing industrial wastes as an expanding additive in sulfoferrite cements was investi...
Issue №3, 2019 |
Section: Science and production |
Keywords: sulfoferrite clinker, ferric ettringite, portlandite, expanding additive, linear expansion, composite sulfoferrite cement |
Autor: I.N. Borisov, A.A. Grebenyuk. |
The study concentrates on the examination of crystalline and amorphous phase assemblage formed in ettringite-rich systems as a function of calcium alu...
Issue №1, 2019 |
Section: Science and production |
Keywords: hydration, ettringite, calcium aluminate cement, gypsum, Portland cement. |
Autor: E. Qoku, T. Bier, G. Schmidt. |
The influence of pyrocatechin on hydration of Portland cement in dosages of 0.02-0.1% by weight was investigated by solid-state NMR spectroscopy o...
Issue №6, 2016 |
Section: Science and production |
Keywords: pyrocatechin, Portland cement, hydration, setting, ettringite, NMR spectroscop |
Autor: A.S. Brykov, N.S. Paritskaya, M.V. Mokeev. |
Experimental data and production practices in handling cements not containing Portland clinker are analyzed. Conclusions on the effect of ettringite
Issue №4, 2016 |
Section: Science and production |
Keywords: cement, ettringite, strength, expansion |
Autor: W. Kurdowski. |
The thermodynamic analysis of the reaction of ettringite synthesis of differently composed aluminate phases allowed to rank them by the activity of in...
Issue №2, 2016 |
Section: Science and production |
Keywords: ettringite, sulphate corrosion, aluminate phases, ions activity |
Autor: I.S. Rakhimbaev, N.M. Tolypina. |
Thaumasite exists as a rare mineral of the calcium carbonate silicate sulphate hydrate type that was first discovered by the Swedish geologist Nordens...
Issue №2, 2012 |
Section: Concrete |
Keywords: thaumasite, ettringite, carraraite, concrete |
Autor: J. Bensted. |
The article describes the role of alkalis in the clinker production and their influence on the durability of concrete. Since the dry process increases...
Issue №1, 2015 |
Section: Science and production |
Keywords: cement production, build-ups formation, bypass, concrete durability, alkali silica reaction, ettringite formation. |
Autor: W. Kurdowski. |
New accelerator on organic base has been developed. While combined with superplasticizersit it allows to realize energy-efficient technologies for rei...
Issue №1, 2015 |
Section: Concrete |
Keywords: hardening accelerator, superplasticizer, energy-efficient technology, ettringite |
Autor: A.I. Vovk, O.V. Zamuruev, P.D. Androsov, S.V. Mikheev, T.V. Dubyakov. |
The paper offers an advanced scientific and practical understanding of the sulfate corrosion affecting Portland cement concretes and examines its most...
Issue №6, 2014 |
Section: Concrete |
Keywords: sulphate attack, Portland cement concrete, ettringite, thaumasite, gypsum |
Autor: A.S. Brykov. |