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The situation at the market of dry building mixes (DBM) in Russia in 2012 is described. In 2012 the production of DBM increased compared to th...
Issue №3, 2013
Section: Dry construction mixes
Keywords: dry construction mixes, production, consumption, import
Autor: E. Botka.
An analysis of the cement industry of Russia in 2013 is offered in the paper together with the possible prospects of its development.
Issue №6, 2013
Section: Application of cement
Keywords: cement industry, production, consumption, export, import, dry process.
Autor: G.Yu. Vasilik.
On the basis of a large array of statistical material a comprehensive analysis was pertormed of the production and economic results of the Russian cem...
Issue №6, 2006
Section: Review
Keywords: cement manufacture, energy saving solutions, import, cement market
Autor: V.I. Zharko, V.I. Shubin, G. Yu. Vasilik.
Information on the cement industry and cement market in Russia and the prospects for their development, as well as some results of processing the info...
Issue №4, 2013
Section: Review
Keywords: cement, production, consumption, import, export
Autor: V. Potapov, O. Yashina, D. Borodenok.
The article presents data on the existing, under construction and planned cement plants of the Republic of Tajikistan, on cement production and import...
Issue №3, 2014
Section: Review
Keywords: cement plant, cement production, import
Autor: S. Ibrokhimov.

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