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The article considers the possibility of using flotation tailings of the lead-zinc enrichment factory (LZEF) at the Almalyk mining-and-metallu...
Issue №2, 2022
Section: Waste utilization
Keywords: сement, natural burnt clay, flotation tailings, cement clinker, limestone, mineral formation, mineralizers
Autor: H.L. Usmanov,, Z.R. Kadyrova, Sh.M. Niyazova.
The paper studies the influence of chemical industry wastes on mineral composition during cement raw mixes firing which contain alumosilicate componen...
Issue №3, 2020
Section: Waste utilization
Keywords: cement clinker, phosphogypsum, alkaline waste, limestone, calcination, mineral formation, mineralizers, flotation tails
Autor: A. G. Nimchick, Kh. L. Usmanov, Z. R. Kadyrova .
Admixture of LiF (2%) into the raw mix allows to produce clinker containing alite (KN=0,9; n=2,19; p=1,29) at the temperature of 1...
Issue №4, 2010
Section: Science and production
Keywords: Portland cement clinker; clinker minerals; fluorine-containing mineralizers; lithium fluoride
Autor: V.D. Barbanyagre, T.A. Koledaeva.
The possibility of producing cement clinker with a full or partial replacement of natural raw materials with industrial wastes - carbide powder lime, ...
Issue №1, 2014
Section: Waste utilization
Keywords: clinker, calcination, mineralizers, energy saving, carbide lime, granulated slags, ashslags
Autor: B.T. Taimasov, T.M. Khudyakova, A.Z. Alzhanova.

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