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Subject of the research presented in the article is the possibility of creating a technology for light-transmitting concrete products by layer-by-...
Issue №4, 2024
Section: Concrete
Keywords: light transmitting concrete, light transparent concrete, epoxy resin, concrete fines, recycling, mechanical activation, rheology, additive technology
Autor: A.S. Pilipenko, S.D. Revyakin.
The existing methods of production of building materials, products and structures using aquaculture wastes as components of concrete, allowing to save...
Issue №4, 2023
Section: Waste utilization
Keywords: aquaculture waste, recycling, concrete, binders, mortars, building materials
Autor: I.F. Razveeva, A.D. Tyutina, D.Y. Ryzhenkova, A.A. Tolstokorova, A.A. Babakehian, D.G. Averin.
Old and crushed concrete structures, which have become construction wastes, have a significant impact on the environment. Fine fractions formed in cru...
Issue №2, 2018
Section: Waste utilization
Keywords: concrete fines, recycling, clinker, cement
Autor: L. Izoret.
Russian packaging producer Kazanskiy Zavod Sovremennoy Upakovki (KZSU) ensures low-waste cement sack production by recycling and reusing the s...
Issue №1, 2017
Section: Waste utilization
Keywords: plastics recycling, sack production waste, cement sack production, waste reduction, cost reduction
Autor: S. Eder.
On October 11—12 in the V.G. Shukhov BSTU international research and practice conference «Innovative materials and technologies» was held under the ae...
Issue №5, 2011
Section: Conferences, seminars, exhibitions
Keywords: energy conservation, resource conservation, nanosystems in building materials, glass analysis, man-made waste, recycling of municipal and medical waste, scientific readings in BSTU
The company shares its experience in implementing various projects of using alternative fuels. Arguments are provided for economic and social benefits...
Issue №3, 2010
Section: Waste utilization
Keywords: alternative fuel; waste recycling
Autor: H. W. Meyer, M. Lambert, I. Khalikov.
The use of RCC is now well established for industrial pavements, and is spreading in North America and recently in Europe for transportation pavement ...
Issue №3, 2015
Section: Concrete
Keywords: concrete roads, roller compacted, recycling, environment indicators
Autor: A. Ezaoui, T. Sedran, L. Miard, D. Mathieu.

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