The impact of the COVID 19 pandemic on the cement market is analyzed. Forecasts of the trends in cement production up to 2025 in the world, regions an...
Issue №2, 2020 |
Section: Review |
Keywords: cement industry, production, COVID‐19, world regions, market report |
Autor: J. Harder. |
On May 23–25, 2017 the 7th International Conference UkrCemFor organized by the the "Ukrcement" Association of Cement Producers of Ukraine wa...
Issue №3, 2017 |
Section: Conferences, seminars, exhibitions |
Keywords: UkrCemFor, conference, reports, cement sector |
On 1-3 May FLSmidth, the leading cement industry equipment producer, celebrated its 125th anniversary in Copenhagen. Invited to this event were custom...
Issue №3, 2007 |
Section: Jubilees |
Keywords: FLSmidth, jubilee, reports, productive capacity, holdings |
Autor: L.Z. German. |
On September 28 – October 1 the regular Cemtech Conference hosted by D. Hargreaves, publisher of International Cement Review was held in London. The C...
Issue №5, 2008 |
Section: Conferences, seminars, exhibitions |
Keywords: Cemtech, reports, infrastructure construction, manufacture |
Autor: L.Z. German. |
The article offers information on the last International Conference BaltiMix-2008 and provides a review of the conference presentations.
Issue №5, 2008 |
Section: Conferences, seminars, exhibitions |
Keywords: BaltiMix, reports, market, dry construction mixes, manufacturing technique |
The article offers details of the Days of Concrete held in Poland and organised by the Society Polish Cement Producers and reviews the contents of the...
Issue №5, 2008 |
Section: Conferences, seminars, exhibitions |
Keywords: reports, conference, concrete mix, presentation |
Autor: A. Usherov-Marshak, M. Sanitsky. |
The article focuses attention on the ecological and economic problems, without solving which further development of the world cement industry is impos...
Issue №6, 2008 |
Section: Ecology and safety |
Keywords: conference, reports, atmospheric emission, greenhouse gases, alternative fuels |
Autor: I.G. Abramson. |
The articles contains information about on the International Conference Foam Concrete-2007 held in St. Petersburg on 10-21 of July. It also includes a...
Issue №4, 2007 |
Section: Conferences, seminars, exhibitions |
Keywords: conference, Foam concrete, constructional materials, reports, chemical-engineering problems, application domain |
Autor: Yu.V. Nikiforov. |
On september 16-19, 2007 year another regular Cemntech conference organized by David Hargreaves, publisher of International Cement Review, was held in...
Issue №5, 2007 |
Section: Conferences, seminars, exhibitions |
Keywords: Cemtech, conference, reports |
The article provides information on the International conference on dry construction mixes (September 12–14, St. Petersburg, Russia).
Issue №5, 2007 |
Section: Conferences, seminars, exhibitions |
Keywords: Baltimix, reports, dry construction mixes, chemical additives |
Autor: Yu.V. Nikiforov.. |