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The impact of the COVID 19 pandemic on the cement market is analyzed. Forecasts of the trends in cement production up to 2025 in the world, regions an...
Issue №2, 2020
Section: Review
Keywords: cement industry, production, COVID‐19, world regions, market report
Autor: J. Harder.
On May 23–25, 2017 the 7th International Conference UkrCemFor organized by the the "Ukrcement" Association of Cement Producers of Ukraine wa...
Issue №3, 2017
Section: Conferences, seminars, exhibitions
Keywords: UkrCemFor, conference, reports, cement sector
On 1-3 May FLSmidth, the leading cement industry equipment producer, celebrated its 125th anniversary in Copenhagen. Invited to this event were custom...
Issue №3, 2007
Section: Jubilees
Keywords: FLSmidth, jubilee, reports, productive capacity, holdings
Autor: L.Z. German.
On September 28 – October 1 the regular Cemtech Conference hosted by D. Hargreaves, publisher of International Cement Review was held in London. The C...
Issue №5, 2008
Section: Conferences, seminars, exhibitions
Keywords: Cemtech, reports, infrastructure construction, manufacture
Autor: L.Z. German.
The article offers information on the last International Conference BaltiMix-2008 and provides a review of the conference presentations.
Issue №5, 2008
Section: Conferences, seminars, exhibitions
Keywords: BaltiMix, reports, market, dry construction mixes, manufacturing technique
The article offers details of the Days of Concrete held in Poland and organised by the Society Polish Cement Producers and reviews the contents of the...
Issue №5, 2008
Section: Conferences, seminars, exhibitions
Keywords: reports, conference, concrete mix, presentation
Autor: A. Usherov-Marshak, M. Sanitsky.
The article focuses attention on the ecological and economic problems, without solving which further development of the world cement industry is impos...
Issue №6, 2008
Section: Ecology and safety
Keywords: conference, reports, atmospheric emission, greenhouse gases, alternative fuels
Autor: I.G. Abramson.
The articles contains information about on the International Conference Foam Concrete-2007 held in St. Petersburg on 10-21 of July. It also includes a...
Issue №4, 2007
Section: Conferences, seminars, exhibitions
Keywords: conference, Foam concrete, constructional materials, reports, chemical-engineering problems, application domain
Autor: Yu.V. Nikiforov.
On september 16-19, 2007 year another regular Cemntech conference organized by David Hargreaves, publisher of International Cement Review, was held in...
Issue №5, 2007
Section: Conferences, seminars, exhibitions
Keywords: Cemtech, conference, reports
The article provides information on the International conference on dry construction mixes (September 12–14, St. Petersburg, Russia).
Issue №5, 2007
Section: Conferences, seminars, exhibitions
Keywords: Baltimix, reports, dry construction mixes, chemical additives
Autor: Yu.V. Nikiforov..

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