The paper presents the results of studies of the physical and chemical properties of the three types of carbon black, as well as the results of the st...
Issue №2, 2017 |
Section: Science and production |
Keywords: carbon black, zeta potential, surface tension, oxygen- containing functional groups, tricalcium silicate, hydration, isothermal calorimetry |
Autor: A.M. Sobolkina, B.Y. Trofimov. |
The usage of superplasticizers for concrete production is beneficial in terms of workability and water reduction. Therefore, superplasticizers enable ...
Issue №1, 2016 |
Section: Science and production |
Keywords: tricalcium silicate, superplasticizers, dissolution, crystallization |
Autor: T. Sowoidnich, C. Roessler, H.-M. Ludwig. |
During the last few years several computer models has been developed to simulate the evolution of cement microstructure during hydration. In the model...
Issue №5, 2010 |
Section: Science and production |
Keywords: cement microstructure; hydration; computer model; kinetics; tricalcium silicate; alite; isothermal calorimetry; chemical shrinkage |
Autor: M. Costoya, Sh. Bishnoi, E. Gallucci, K. L. Scrivener. |
Ultra High Performance Concrete (UHPC) is an innovative building material whose high strength is advantageous for future applications in highl...
Issue №3, 2012 |
Section: Concrete |
Keywords: hydration, tricalcium silicate, quasielastic neutron scattering |
Autor: T. Gutberlet, H. Hilbig, R.E. Beddoe. |