The article analyzes the possibilities of using recycled secondary alumino-silicate raw materials in the production of construction materials, the...
Issue №4, 2024 |
Section: Application of cement |
Keywords: secondary raw materials, alumosilicate additive, soil stabilization, waste utilization |
Autor: V.B. Petropavlovskaya, A.V. Lebedev, K.S. Petropavlovsky, T.B. Novichenkova. |
The article provides the main indicators of Iranian cement manufacturers’ activities in 2016—2022. Total production capacity of cement plants in the c...
Issue №2 |
Section: Review |
Keywords: cement, clinker, production, sales, capacity utilization, COGS |
Autor: Shabnam Momenzadeh. |
A comparative characteristic of fly ash formed during the combustion of raw materials of plant origin (peat, bark, sawdust, sewage sludge from the...
Issue №2 |
Section: Waste utilization |
Keywords: ash utilization, ash and slag waste, hearth ash, fly ash, mineral additives, chemical composition, greening of the economy, cement |
Autor: A.B. Diagileva, A.I. Smirnova. |
A variety of wastes get generated in large quantities during the societal, industrial and agricultural activities undertaken by mankind. These wastes ...
Issue №2, 2023 |
Section: Waste utilization |
Keywords: alternative fuels and raw materials, cement kiln, co-processing, waste utilization, thermal substitution rate |
Autor: U. Parlikar. |
The means of reducing greenhouse gas emissions in cement industry include the replacement of part of the clinker in cement with mineral additives, the...
Issue №1, 2023 |
Section: Ecology and safety |
Keywords: CO2 emissions, supplementary cementitious materials; alternative raw materials and fuels, carbon capture, utilization and storage |
Autor: Dr. S.B. Hegde. |
Cement sector in Turkey as in all over the world replaces the primary fuels and raw materials with the wastes conforming to acceptance criteria. Waste...
Issue №5, 2020 |
Section: Waste utilization |
Keywords: waste, utilization, alternative fuels, municipal solid waste, cement kiln |
Autor: C.D. Gencel. |
Reduction of CO2 emissions associated with cement production is challenging in view of the increasing cement demand and the fact that major part of th...
Issue №5, 2020 |
Section: Science and production |
Keywords: CO₂, carbonation, mineralization, cement, concrete, carbon capture and utilization |
Autor: J. Skocek, M. Zajac, M. Ben Haha. |
Co-processing of waste in cement kilns makes it possible to dispose of it safely and at low cost. The article describes examples of making alternative...
Issue №4, 2020 |
Section: Waste utilization |
Keywords: co-processing, waste utilization, municipal solid waste, sewage sludge, refuse derived fuel, RDF, alternative fuels |
Autor: I. Riley, Wang Junmei, Wang Jiajun, Guo Yanpeng, Wu Dehou. |
The next decades in India are dedicated to an unprec- edented growth to be unleashed by rising middle class, their reasonable expectations of improved...
Issue №1, 2019 |
Section: Companies and firms |
Keywords: cement industry, cement production, economic growth, sustainable development, energy efficiency, CO2 emission, waste utilization. |
Autor: A. Pahuja, A. Badola. |
A technology has been developed that utilizes CO2 in concrete curing to improve the concrete properties. This process has been commercialized and is i...
Issue №4, 2018 |
Section: Ecology and safety |
Keywords: carbon capture, carbon utilization, emissions, cement, concrete. |
Autor: J. Kline, C. Kline. |