
CEMEX announced that it has signed an agreement with green fuels producer ETFuels, to transform CO2 from CEMEX’s Alicante cement plant in Spain into green fuels. This carbon utilization project, groundbreaking in its scope and potential contribution to European energy security, demonstrates significant progress in testing and scaling technologies that are designed to contribute to accelerating decarbonization efforts in the cement production process.
Region: Mexico
Holcim launches Europe’s first calcined clay cement operation in its Saint-Pierre-la-Cour plant in France to deliver ECOPlanet green cement with 50 % lower CO2 footprint compared to standard cement (CEM I).
Region: France
CEMEX announced the launch of Regenera, a business that provides circularity solutions, including reception, management, recycling, and co-processing of waste. Regenera leverages CEMEX’s global footprint and the ability of its production processes to use non-recyclable refuse and industrial byproducts as more sustainable substitutes for fossil fuels and natural raw materials.
Region: Mexico
CEMEX announced the launch of Regenera, a business that provides circularity solutions, including reception, management, recycling, and coprocessing of waste. Regenera leverages CEMEX’s global footprint and the ability of its production processes to use non-recyclable refuse and industrial byproducts as more sustainable substitutes for fossil fuels and natural raw materials.
Region: Mexico
CEMEX and CEMEX Ventures (CEMEX’s corporate venture capital unit) announced today their investment in Waste to Energy Advanced Solutions (“WtEnergy”), a clean energy startup that has developed a novel process to transform solid waste into synthesis gas (“Syngas”) for industrial purposes.
Region: Mexico
Dangote Cement Plc (DANGCEM-NL), Africa’s largest cement producer, is pleased to announce that CDP has raised its rating from B- to B for the Company’s commitment to climate change. The rating upgrade indicates that Dangote Cement has addressed the environmental impact of its business and ensures good environmental management.
Region: Africa
CEMEX announced that it will implement hydrogen injection technology at four of its cement plants in Mexico as part of its Future in Action program to achieve sustainable excellence and become a net-zero CO2 company.
Region: Mexico

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