The order of the Ministry of Construction and Housing and Communal Services of the Russian Federation dated 12/30/2020 No. 893 / pr has been published “On approval of the forms for providing information necessary for the formation of estimated prices for construction resources”.
The order establishes the forms for providing information:
- on legal entities and their separate subdivisions carrying out production activities on the territory of the Russian Federation, import into the territory of the Russian Federation and (or) transportation on the territory of the Russian Federation of building materials, products, structures, equipment, machines and mechanisms;
- on the selling price of building materials, products, structures, equipment, machines and mechanisms produced in the territory of the Russian Federation, provided for by contracts of sale (supply) concluded between buyers and persons who carried out their production in the territory of the Russian Federation, the weighted average in terms of volumes and the price of their sale for the reporting period, and on the selling price of building materials, products, structures, equipment, machinery and mechanisms imported into the Russian Federation, provided for by the purchase and sale (supply) contracts concluded between the buyers and by persons who imported into the Russian Federation in accordance with the customs procedure for release for domestic consumption, weighted average by volume and selling price for the reporting period;
- on the price of building materials, products, structures, equipment, machines and mechanisms sold on the territory of the Russian Federation, which is established by legal entities and individual entrepreneurs engaged in wholesale trade in such building materials, products, structures, equipment, machines on the territory of the Russian Federation and mechanisms, confirmed by price lists signed by the head of the legal entity (or a person authorized by him) and (or) an individual entrepreneur (or his authorized person), and information about which is posted on the "Internet";
- on the price of services for the transportation of building materials, products, structures, equipment, machinery and mechanisms by shipping (inland waterways) and air transport, vehicles of road transport on the territory of the Russian Federation, provided for by contracts of carriage concluded between carriers and senders of such building materials, products, structures, equipment, machines and mechanisms;
- on the amount of payment for the temporary possession and use of railway freight cars, stipulated by the lease agreements concluded between the owners and lessees of freight cars, weighted average in terms of the volume and amount of payment for the reporting period.