09.08.2021 16:59

Export of Belarusian building materials in the first half of 2021 increased by almost 20%

Export of Belarusian building materials in the first half of the year increased by almost 20%, said Minister of Architecture and Construction Ruslan Parkhamovich at a press conference "The results of the architectural and construction industry in the first half of 2021 and the prospects of the construction complex of Belarus".

"Traditionally, 40% to 95% of the products that are produced are exported. We can see that supplies of cement and crushed stone are increasing," said Ruslan Parkhamovich.

As for the markets, he noted: "If some time ago we said that the vast majority of all building materials were supplied to Russia - about 90% of all exports were concentrated in that market, today we can talk about a percentage ratio of 60 to 40. About 15% of the total volume of delivered products goes to Poland, about 15% - to Ukraine, a little less - to Lithuania and Latvia. We also work for longer distances - it is Kazakhstan, Azerbaijan. We will continue to diversify exports. According to the minister, the Hungarian market is one of the most promising for the Ministry of Architecture and Construction.

The head of the ministry said that the government created a working group, which until the end of the summer should make proposals for the development of rental housing in the country.

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