19.05.2021 08:59

Sibcem plants are ready for the construction season 2021

Sibcem plants have completed preparations for the “high” construction season-2021: production facilities have carried out scheduled repairs of equipment, the technical condition of units and mechanisms has been checked. Below are examples of the work done.

"Topkinsky cement" has carried out the following works:

"Raw materials" department has updated armor lining and grinding bodies at mills No. 4, 5 and 7.

"Grinding" department has carried out work at mills No. 1-4, in particular the armor plates of the first and second chambers were partially modernized, defects of the hull were eliminated, weighing batchers, pneumatic chamber pumps and cement pipelines were repaired; ESTANDA armor lining kit was installed in the second chamber of mill No. 5; as for the mill No. 9, filter sleeves and aero cloth on the airslides were renewed.

“Finished Products” department renovated cement filling units and worn-out parts of rotary packing machines. In June, the division plans to put into operation a module for automatic palletizing of paper bags.

A new excavator was delivered to the quarry of the holding.

Iskitimcement plant replaced frontal armor plates, body armor plates of the first and second chambers and an interchamber partition at Raw Mill No. 3.

The refractory lining in the firing zone of the kiln No. 7 was renewed. At the unit No. 9, the modernization of the grate cooler aspiration system continues. It will end in 2022, when modern filter will be put into operation.

Repairmen replaced the frontal armor plates and the sections of the interchamber partition from the side of the first and second chambers at the mill No. 6. As for the mill No. 2, the body was restored, the sectors of the interchamber partition and filter sleeves were renewed.

Raw Mill No. 9 at the Krasnoyarsk Cement Plant, was also renovated. Armor plates of the first and second chambers, sectors of the interchamber partition, and the frontal armor plates were replaced.

During the overhaul of the kiln No. 3, the recuperator unit and the shroud shell No. 7 were renewed. Eight meters of the end shell of the cold end, the third field of the electrostatic precipitator, 56 running meters of the lining were replaced.

During the repair of cement mill No. 8, the armor plates of the first chamber of the unit and the frontal armor plates, the sector of the interchamber partition, the cloth of the PL-8 plate conveyor were replaced.  

A tracked bulldozer with a carrying capacity of 18 tons was purchased at the Angarsk Cement Mining Plant in 2021 for the needs of the quarry. As for the Angarsk production site, front-end loaders and forklifts were also acquired.

In areas with severe operating conditions of the lining, durability of kiln No. 1 was increased by laying PSHPTs bricks.

Cement mill No. 3, updated its armor lining and the shell block has been replaced. The modernization of the closed-loop grinding system at cement mills No. 1 and 2 continues. It is planned to be completed in the fall of 2021.

The plant plans to increase the productivity of the “Finished Products” department - within the framework of the investment program, specialists draw up technical assignments for re-equipment of cement palletizing complexes and loading it into large-size containers.

Modernization of the power supply system of the enterprise continues.

At the Timlyui cement plant, the recuperators were replaced at the kiln No. 3, as well as, in part, the lining and dust return screws.

The bag filters at the cement mill No. 8 were replaced; the pneumatic chamber pumps of the cement mills No. 6 and 8 were replaced with modern disc-turners instead of the old-style self-locking valves.

In 2021, the holding's plants offer customers a number of new types of cement: Topkinsky Cement and Iskitimcement - CEM I 42.5N DP for the manufacture of concrete for road and airfield pavements, Angarsk Cement and Mining Plant - CEM II / A-G 32.5B, which replaced CEM II / A-Z 32.5B due to the transition to a new type of additive.

“Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, the construction season of 2020 was unstable: in July, when cement consumption in Siberia traditionally reaches its maximum, the market capacity of the macroregion immediately decreased by 10%, then gradually recovers. We hope that this will not happen in 2021. And we are always ready for an increase in demand - if there are more orders, plants of the holding will increase the production of high-quality building materials in short time,” emphasized Gennady Rasskazov, First Vice President of Sibcem.

Region: Russia
Source: Sibcem
Tags: building
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