SLK Cement has updated its product line for oil well and general construction cements. Improved cement with mineral additives under the trade name Dylog-50 and special purpose Portland cement for runway pavements have received GOST standard certificates and are ready for shipment to customers.
In 2021, the company mastered the release of two new products. The improved oil well cement Dylog-50 which has already been presented to representatives of oil and gas production and service companies, research and design institutes, manufacturers of products for the oil and gas industry at specialized exhibitions.
“The new composition of the oil well Portland cement PCT II-50 under the trade name Dylog-50 was developed as a result of research and a number of industrial releases,” stated Dmitry GLIKIN, head of the research group of the Scientific and Technical Center of SLK Cement. - Dylog-50 has a number of features in comparison with the current produced cements: increased flexural strength, almost zero water separation, which is achieved by changing the physical characteristics of cement; the possibility of using this cement at different water-cement ratio with an increase in the output coefficient.
The second novelty is Portland cement CEM I 42.5N AP, which is intended for the production of airfield runway pavements, and allows to obtain concretes with high frost resistance, water resistance, with increased resistance to aggressive environments due to the low content of alkalis and tricalcium aluminate. These qualities ensure long service life of the facilities.
“Product improvement has always been one of the priorities of SLK Cement. Development of new brands is carried out by the specialists of Scientific and Technical Center of the company in continuous interaction with production and customer technical support. The needs of the market, the wishes of customers and their feedback on working with the company's products are taken into account” - emphasized Pavel USTYUGOV, head of the technical support group.
SLK Cement is part of Buzzi Unicem in the Eastern Division Dyckerhoff. Buzzi Unicem is a corporation based in Italy with plants in 14 countries with over 10,000 employees worldwide.