
The article offers an analysis of the performance of Russia’s dry construction mixes (DCM) market of in 2003–2007 and of its prospects for 200...
Issue №5, 2008
Section: Application of cement
Keywords: dry construction moxes, modify, import, efforts
Autor: E. Botka.
Outcomes of measurements of thermal conductivity of cement raw material and the clinker, carried out are resulted by various experimental techniques.
Issue №5, 2008
Section: Science and production
Keywords: grains, cement raw meals
Autor: P. A. Trubaev.
The article analyses the status Russia’s cement industry prospects of its development. It is shown that, in order to meet the target volumes of reside...
Issue №5, 2008
Section: Science and production
Keywords: cement industry, output expansion
Autor: M. Ya. Bikbau..
The possibility of producing cement clinker from industrial wastes with the using of high temperatures about 2 500–3 000 °С by means of plasma heating...
Issue №5, 2008
Section: Science and production
Keywords: technological development, manufacture, chemical analysis, raw components
Autor: G.G. Volokitin, N.K. Skripnikova, N.A. Pozdnyakova, A.A. Nikiforov.
The article analyzes the status of the Russian cement industry and cement market in 2008.
Issue №6, 2008
Section: Review
Keywords: cement industry, manufacturing industry, pricing, import
Autor: V.I. Shubin, V.A. Guz, V.I. Zharko.
The article analyzes the development of the Russian exchange market of cement and its current condition. Exchange quotations of the Moscow Stock Excha...
Issue №6, 2008
Section: Review
Keywords: open trade, fundamental, commodities
Autor: S.A. Khayrulin, A.M Ryzhikov.
The article describes the ABB Company solutions in the areas of comprehensive design of the infrastructure of cement plants, their modernisation, elec...
Issue №6, 2008
Section: Presentation
Keywords: ABB, plant engineering, electrification, production control, analyzer
Autor: B. Schupp. ABB Switzerland Ltd..
The article describes and characterizes an electrostatic dust suppression installation used at points of unloading loose materials from belt conveyors...
Issue №6, 2008
Section: Ecology and safety
Keywords: dust formation, work safety, overload, conveyors, dust control
Autor: T. Ossevorth, A. Makeev.
The article focuses attention on the ecological and economic problems, without solving which further development of the world cement industry is impos...
Issue №6, 2008
Section: Ecology and safety
Keywords: conference, reports, atmospheric emission, greenhouse gases, alternative fuels
Autor: I.G. Abramson.
The article reviews the experience of FLSmidth in the areas of designing, building and maintenance of rotary kilns with a capacity of 10 000 tpd, or m...
Issue №6, 2008
Section: Equipment and technology
Keywords: clinker, equipment
Autor: K.R. Happ.

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