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Cement will be indispensable for a long time as a construction material for a wide range of buildings, infrastructure and transport systems. As a majo...
Issue №3, 2019
Section: Ecology and safety
Keywords: CO2 emissions, cement production, clinker factor, alternative fuels, alternative binding materials.
Autor: M. Schneider.
Hexadur® technology from Koeppern (Germany) is discussed in comparison with the existing technologies for protecting the working surface of ro...
Issue №3, 2019
Section: Equipment and technology
Keywords: high-pressure grinding roll, HPGR, wear protection.
Autor: J. Oligmueller, K. Ghosh, A. Packeisen, A. Hubert.
SIG SpA (Italy) has manufactured and supplied customers with Siderflex® innovative conveyor belts for many years. The particularly resistant F...
Issue №3, 2019
Section: Equipment and technology
Keywords: bulk solids handling, conveyor belt, steel carcass, impact and cut resistance.
Autor: M. Taddio.
In H1 2019 3,980.1 kt of cement and 3,182.3 kt of clinker were produced by enterprizes — members of Ukrcement Association, which is 2.7% less and ...
Issue №3, 2019
Section: Ukrainian pages
Keywords: cement and clinker production in Ukraine, cement sales, cement consumption by regions of Ukraine.
The importance of express gas analysis in the production of Portland cement clinker and in other applications is assessed. The main difficulties of or...
Issue №3, 2019
Section: Control of production
Keywords: gas analyzer, control of production, emissions control, CO, NOx, O2.
Autor: K.A. Kosobutsky.
The results of studies of the rheotechnical characteristics of the raw cement slurry with a thinner in the chain zone of rotary kilns are presented. I...
Issue №3, 2019
Section: Science and production
Keywords: reotechnical characteristics, cement raw sludge, thinner, chain curtains, critical moisture, dust collection, dust removal.
Autor: L.D. Shakhova, A.V. Cherkasov.
The paper describes phase-chemical transformations in cement pastes and cement-sand mortars with the addition of aluminum and iron sulfates in acceler...
Issue №3, 2019
Section: Science and production
Keywords: Portland cement, alkali-free accelerators, alkali-silica reaction, ASR, phase conversions.
Autor: A.S. Brykov, M.Ye. Voronkov, N.S. Paritskaya.
The results of the development work on complex additives for concrete, including mineral components from industrial wastes (such as ash and slag o...
Issue №3, 2019
Section: Science and production
Keywords: additives for concrete, industrial waste, properties of concrete mixes, mechanical-and-physical properties of concrete.
Autor: V.T. Pertsev, Ya.Z. Khalilbekov, A.A. Ledenev, N.S. Perova.
On 28 April – 2 May, 2019 in St. Louis, Missouri, USA, under the auspices of IEEE-IAS PCA 61st International Technical Conference on cement was held. ...
Issue №3, 2019
Section: Conferences, seminars, exhibitions
Keywords: IEEE, PCA, cement industry, cement production, Portland cement, technical conference.
On May 27–29, 2019 the 8th International Conference UkrCemFor organized by the the "Ukrcement" Association of Cement Producers of Ukraine w...
Issue №3, 2019
Section: Conferences, seminars, exhibitions
Keywords: cement industry, UkrCemFor, conference on cement, "Ukrcement" Association.

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