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South American cement market - production, consumption, forecasts Cement production and market situation in South America are examined. A growth in de...
Issue №6, 2010
Section: Review
Keywords: cement production; cement market; cement consumption; cement export; forecast
Autor: I.P. Solano.
On the example of the works carried out by Calderys Company at the OAO Ivano-Frankovsk-Cement (Ukraine), special features of applying a combin...
Issue №6, 2010
Section: Refractories
Keywords: monolithic lining; refractories; combined solutions for cement production
Autor: V.V. Bolimov, A.E. Sledz.
In 2011, 51 companies operated in the cement industry, 48 of them with a full production cycle, and three grinding plants. Russian cement companies pr...
Issue №1, 2012
Section: Questions and answers
Keywords: cement industry in Russia, cement production, cement consumption, export and import of cement
Autor: V.A. Guz, V.I. Zharko, A.A. Kabanov, E.V. Vysotsky.
In the time that has elapsed since PETROCEM 2010, the cement industry of Russia has recharged. Commissioning of modern and efficient production facili...
Issue №1, 2012
Section: Review
Keywords: Russian cement industry, cement production, modernization of the cement industry, waste utilization
Information on the corporate structure of the French cement industry, characterized by a small number of holding companies, is provided, and the data ...
Issue №1, 2012
Section: Review
Keywords: cement industry, corporate structure, cement production, cement consumption, export, import
A new cement project of OOO South Ural Mining Company in the town of Novotroitsk is described. KHD Humboldt Wedag, Germany, became the main equipment ...
Issue №1, 2012
Section: Equipment and technology
Keywords: cement production, dry method, process line, waste utilization
Autor: A.V. Dianov, Ye.V. Schegolyayev.
The structure and work of the PAO Ivano-Frankovsk Cement laboratory after production upgrading at the plant are described. Information is provided on ...
Issue №1, 2012
Section: Control of production
Keywords: cement production, laboratory, sampling, methods of analysis
Autor: I.N. Gevyuk.
The material describes the situation in the cement industry of Ukraine, gives statistical and analytical data, shows three versions of the forecast fo...
Issue №2, 2012
Section: Application of cement
Keywords: cement production, cement market, clinker
Autor: M. Machado.
Joint projects of ABB (Switzerland) and OAO Podolsky cement, a division of the Irish CRH group, are discussed. The implementation of the contr...
Issue №2, 2012
Section: Automation of production
Keywords: control system, electric power supply, cement production, dry process
Autor: A. Kaufmann.
The material gives an overview of cement industry in Russia, forecasts till 2015 year; EUROCEMENT Group position in the Russian cement industry; new c...
Issue №3, 2012
Section: Review
Keywords: cement industry in Russia, cement market, EUROCEMENT Group, cement production capacity, dry method of production
Autor: M.A. Skorokhod.

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