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On June 12, 2018 at the Yakutcement plant of the Vostokcement group of companies a solemn launch of the 3rd cement production line took place. Its com...
Issue №4, 2018
Section: Events
Keywords: cement production, process line, commission.
On September 14, 2018 AO Shymkentcement (Shymkent, Kazakhstan), part of the HeidelbergCement group of companies, celebrated the 60th anniversa...
Issue №4, 2018
Section: Jubilees
Keywords: cement production, dry process, modernization, environmental conservation.
Autor: I.M. Ibragimova.
The cement industry of the Republic of Belarus managed to radically modernize and develop its capacities over the past 15 years. The development of th...
Issue №3, 2018
Section: Review
Keywords: cement production, consumption, alternative fuels, concrete pavement
Autor: A.N. Sidorov.
In 2007, a boom CapEx value of US$ 793 million has been spent for cement plant automation, in the following years the CapEx significantly decreased an...
Issue №3, 2018
Section: Review
Keywords: automation market, cement production, laboratory, sampling, online analyzer, gas analyzer
Autor: J. Harder.
On September 28, 2018 the Sebryakov Cement Plant (now - AO Sebryakov-Cement) celebrates its 65th anniversary. The company traditionally holds ...
Issue №3, 2018
Section: Jubilees
Keywords: cement production, modernization, dry process
Autor: S.P. Rogachev.
A number of cement companies implemented initiatives aimed at maximum energy efficiency and increased use of alternative fuels, which led to a higher ...
Issue №3, 2018
Section: Ecology and safety
Keywords: cement production, CO2 emissions, environmental legislation, production cost, capacity utilisation rate, clinker substitution
Autor: T. Pavlopoulos.
The article discusses the current state of cement production in Georgia. Because of the scarcity and high cost of mineral additives, the companies beg...
Issue №3, 2018
Section: Science and production
Keywords: cement production, mineral additive, pumice, crushed stone, tuff, basalt
Autor: R. Skhvitaridze, E. Shapakidze, I. Gejadze, T. Kordzakhia, G. Tsintskaladze, I. Giorgadze, Sh. Verulava.
The article deals with the identification of chemical additives to cement (CAC) supplied to cement plants. New methods of incoming control of ...
Issue №2, 2018
Section: Control of production
Keywords: cement production, chemical additive, grinding aid, incoming control, IR spectroscopy
Autor: O.I. Kukharev, R.M. Gainutdinov.
Cement production technology: principles and practice
Issue №2, 2018
Section: New issues
Keywords: Cement production
Since 2002 every issue of the journal Cement and its Applications timed with the next regular Petrocem Conference contains materials obtained from cem...
Issue №1, 2018
Section: Review
Keywords: cement industry, cement production, modernization of the cement industry, waste utilization.

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