Globally, industrial plants are seeking to take advantage of disruptive digital technologies as part of a trend known as Industry 4.0. One of the most...
Issue №5, 2019 |
Section: Automation of production |
Keywords: plant automation, expert system, Industry 4.0, human-machine interface |
Autor: G. Schuetz. |
KIMA Echtzeitsysteme (Germany) decided almost 20 years back to develop the fill-level measurement called SmartFillTM which is based on structu...
Issue №1, 2018 |
Section: Automation of production |
Keywords: grinding, cement, ball mill, energy efficiency, fill level, process control, expert systems, optimization, automation. |
Autor: D. Schmidt. |
Expert systems have been shown to improve operational performance and reduce costs. The cost of installing expert systems has been decreasing over tim...
Issue №3, 2017 |
Section: Automation of production |
Keywords: expert system, process control, automation. |
Autor: C. Kline, J. Kline. |
The article considers solutions suggested by FLSmidth Automation that are directed at remote maintenance of the equipment and make it possible to opti...
Issue №5, 2009 |
Section: Automation of production |
Keywords: FLSmidth, ECS / ProcessExpert System, finish grinding mill, auto-start, remote monitoring |
Autor: J. Jacob. |