The legislation of the Russian Federation for the last few years has been pursuing the goal of the Federal Law No. 89-FZ dated June 24, 1998 “On produ...
Issue №1 |
Section: Waste utilization |
Keywords: alternative fuel, renewable energy sources, waste, cement production, refuse-derived fuel, RDF |
Autor: E.M. Ozerova. |
In the face of escalating concerns regarding climate change and environmental impact, the cement industry is actively exploring and implementing the u...
Issue №1 |
Section: Waste utilization |
Keywords: alternative fuels, carbon emissions, cement production, co-processing |
Autor: F. Leitao . |
In FY 2022, there were 16 companies operating in Japan's cement industry, which owned 30 integrated plants. The country produced 45.3 Mt of clinker an...
Issue №6 |
Section: Review |
Keywords: cement, production, consumption, export, import, alternative raw materials, alternative fuels |
Autor: The Japan Cement Association. |
The main indices of the Brazilian cement industry and cement market for 2017-2022 are presented and their relationship with economic factors is analyz...
Issue №4, 2023 |
Section: Review |
Keywords: cement industry, consumption, production, export, import, sustainability, CO2 emissions, alternative fuels |
Autor: F. Guimaraes. |
AKKERMANN CEMENT has successfully implemented a project at its plant in Gornozavodsk (Perm Region), which involves collection and transportati...
Issue №4, 2023 |
Section: Equipment and technology |
Keywords: wood waste, alternative fuel, cement kiln |
Autor: A.R. Farkhshatov. |
Branch No. 1 "Cement Plant" of OAO Krasnoselsk stroymaterialy was the first of the three cement plants of the holding company Belarusian Cem...
Issue №4, 2023 |
Section: Equipment and technology |
Keywords: alternative fuel, RDF, peat, clinker burning |
Autor: Y.V. Guchek. |
The alarming rise in waste generation and fall in the availability of fossil fuels have together highlighted the absolute requirement and benefits of ...
Issue №4, 2023 |
Section: Equipment and technology |
Keywords: waste, alternative fuel, co-processing, equipment, Thermal Substitution Rate |
Autor: A. Salunke, S. Kumbhar. |
In this article the possibility of using complex process equipment for alternative fuel (AF) utilization from solid municipal wastes in cement...
A variety of wastes get generated in large quantities during the societal, industrial and agricultural activities undertaken by mankind. These wastes ...
Issue №2, 2023 |
Section: Waste utilization |
Keywords: alternative fuels and raw materials, cement kiln, co-processing, waste utilization, thermal substitution rate |
Autor: U. Parlikar. |
India's cement industry is growing rapidly, with great emphasis on environmental issues. The projected increase in the use of alternative raw mate...
Issue №6, 2022 |
Section: Ecology and safety |
Keywords: cement production, circularity, thermal substitution rate, clinker factor, alternative raw materials and fuels, green energy, CO2 emissions reduction |
Autor: A. Badola. |