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The paper sums up the preliminary results of the development of dry building mortars (DBM) market in Russia in 2015. The DBM output decreased ...
Issue №1, 2016
Section: Dry construction mixes
Keywords: dry building mortars, production, consumption, import
Autor: E. Botka.
An analysis of the cement industry of Russia in 2015 is offered in the paper together with the possible prospects of its development. According to pre...
Issue №6, 2015
Section: Review
Keywords: cement industry, production, consumption, export, import, dry process
Autor: G.Yu. Vasilik, Ye.M. Yeremina.
In the article information on Associazione Italiana Tecnico Economica Cemento (AITEC) is provided. The situation in the construction sector as...
Issue №6, 2015
Section: Review
Keywords: construction sector, cement, production, consumption, export, import, alternative raw materials and fuels
Autor: N. Zampella.
The paper describes the actual situation in the cement industry of the Kyrgyz Republic. Data are given related to the design capacities of cement plan...
Issue №4, 2015
Section: Review
Keywords: cement plant, design capacity, export, import, modernization
Autor: T.Sh. Dzhunushaliev, J.M. Abdyraev, A.Sh. Osmonaliev.
The article offers an analysis of the performance of Russia’s dry construction mixes (DCM) market of in 2003–2007 and of its prospects for 200...
Issue №5, 2008
Section: Application of cement
Keywords: dry construction moxes, modify, import, efforts
Autor: E. Botka.
The article analyzes the status of the Russian cement industry and cement market in 2008.
Issue №6, 2008
Section: Review
Keywords: cement industry, manufacturing industry, pricing, import
Autor: V.I. Shubin, V.A. Guz, V.I. Zharko.
The dynamic development of the Russian construction sector over the last nine years predetermined the resurgence of the construction materials industr...
Issue №1, 2008
Section: Review
Keywords: building sector, cement production, cement consumption, export, import
Autor: V.I. Zharko, V.I. Shubin.
The article presents a comparative study of the strength, dispersity and particle size distribution of the Russian and international cements. It is sh...
Issue №2, 2008
Section: Standartization and quality
Keywords: import, exporters, clinker activity, comparative analysis
Autor: Z.B. Entin, L.S. Nefedova.
An analysis of the cement industry of Russia in 2011 is offered in the paper together with the possible prospects of its development.
Issue №6, 2011
Section: Review
Keywords: cement industry, cement production, cement consumption, export, import
Autor: G.Yu. Vasilik.
The article presents and analyses data on the logistics costs level in the Russian cement market and on cement rail, road and water transportation in ...
Issue №4, 2010
Section: Review
Keywords: cement prices; logistics costs; cement transportation; delivery distance; cement import
Autor: O.M. Kiyutsina.

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