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The cement industry plays a pivotal role in global infrastructure development; however, it faces increasing scrutiny for its environmental footpri...
Issue №5, 2024
Section: Ecology and safety
Keywords: cement production, pollutant emissions, nitrogen oxides, NOx, reduction
Autor: F. Leitao.
Modern solutions offered by Bilfinger SE (Germany) for the process of selective catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides (NOx) in the fl...
Issue №5, 2019
Section: Ecology and safety
Keywords: selective catalytic reduction, nitrogen oxides, NOx, ammonia
Autor: P. Bjoerk.
According to environmental legislation, by the end of 2024, all cement producers in Russia should switch to the best available technologies (BAT&#...
Issue №4, 2019
Section: Ecology and safety
Keywords: Best Available Techniques, BAT, complex ecological permits, emission, nitrogen oxides, NOx, alternative fuels
Autor: D.N. Evdokimov.
The paper describes the requirements of the best available technologies (BAT) to cement plants for indicators of emissions of pollutants into ...
Issue №4, 2019
Section: Ecology and safety
Keywords: emission, nitrogen oxides, NOx, Best Available Techniques, BAT, cement production
Autor: I.A. Raschupkina, M.I. Grigoryev.
The systems of selective non-catalytic reduction (SNCR) used in the cement industry, allowing to reduce emissions of nitrogen oxides (NOx&...
Issue №2, 2017
Section: Ecology and safety
Keywords: emission, nitrogen oxides, selective non-catalytic reduction, ammonia, urea
Autor: C. Kline, J. Kline.
The paper describes the experience of commissioning of the system for selective catalytic reduction of nitrogen oxides (SCR) in dust-loaded ki...
Issue №3, 2015
Section: Ecology and safety
Keywords: selective catalytic reduction, nitrogen oxides, NOx abatement, ammonia
Autor: D. Edelkott.

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