
Regenera, a subsidiary of Cemex, has launched a pilot project for alternative energy generation that could make Querétaro the first zero-waste municipality in the country
Region: Mexico
Holcim México has announced a strategic investment of 55 million dollars for the construction of a new mill at its cement plant in Macuspana, Tabasco
Region: Mexico
The new paper bag plant of the CYCNA de Oriente company of the La Cruz Azul Cooperative in Palmar de Bravo was inaugurated, which has the capacity to produce up to 360 units per minute.
Region: Mexico
Cemex has updated its Sustainability-Linked Financing Framework to align with its more ambitious 2030 decarbonization targets, announced on November 2022 and validated by the Science-Based Targets initiative (SBTi) for alignment under their 1.5°C scenario, the most ambitious pathway defined for the cement industry.
Region: Mexico
Cemex announced that Cemex Ventures, its corporate venture capital and open innovation unit, has increased its stake in Carbon Upcycling. Carbon Upcycling’s patented technology injects CO₂ into industrial byproducts and natural minerals to create clinker substitutes, thereby reducing the carbon footprint of cement.
Region: Mexico
Cemex unveiled today an updated brand in line with its ongoing evolution to help the world reach the next frontier of sustainable living, by becoming a more agile, innovative, and approachable company.
Region: Mexico
Holcim has acquired INDAR, a leading hardware wholesaler in Mexico with 2022 net sales of USD 71 million. With this acquisition, Holcim adds more than 10,600 additional hardware products to its range of solutions across its Disensa retail network. INDAR supplies hardware of over 80 leading brands, from roofing needs to tools and adhesives all the way to electrical and plumbing supplies. The acquisition includes INDAR’s nine distribution centers around the country, as well as its fulfillment center in Guadalajara.
Region: Mexico

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