02.02.2021 13:05

Cement Production in India in 2020 Decreased by 14.7 %

The volume of cement production in India in 2020 decreased by 14.7 % YoY and amounted to 289.20 million tons. The volume of cement production in December 2020 amounted to 27.49 million tons, which is 8.3% less than in December 2019.

Compared to November 2020, the volume of cement production in December increased by 8.7 %. During December, India's cement industry has narrowed its production deficit gap by 0.5 ppt MoM. At the end of January-November 2020, production volume was 15.2 % behind 11M 2019. To put it in perspective, in April 2020, cement plants in India produced almost six times less cement than in April 2019 — 4.3 million tons.

The main reason for the steep decline in production in April was the suspension of all large industrial enterprises in India. The decision was made by the country's government to prevent the spread of the coronavirus COVID-19 and took effect on March 25. Since the end of April, Indian factories have gradually resumed operations.

In India, there are 165 full cycle cement plants, 89 grinding plants and two clinker plants. The design capacity of Indian enterprises exceeds 500 million tons of cement per year.

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