05.06.2024 10:38

Dangote Cement to run trucks on CNG

Dangote Cement Plc said it is committed to transitioning all its trucks to run on Compressed Natural Gas, CNG, by 2025, as a significant step toward cleaner energy adoption in Nigeria.

It said that the gesture is a strategic move that aligns with the Federal Government’s agenda on promoting alternative energy for vehicles across the country, as well as reducing the nation’s dependence on fossil fuels.

Alhaji Aliko Dangote, Chairman, Dangote Cement Plc, made the assertion during the company’s 15th Annual General Meeting, AGM, on Tuesday in Lagos.

“We are now going to start using CNG vehicles, especially with the new policy of the Federal Government, launched by the Renewed Hope Agenda by His Excellency, President Bola Tinubu."

“By the end of next year, all our trucks that are operating in the company will be running on CNG, and that is a whole lot of money that we are going to invest”, - Dangote said.

Region: Nigeria
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