23.04.2021 14:47

Sika has acquired manufacturer of building mixtures «KREPS»

Sika, a Swiss construction and industrial materials manufacturer has acquired KREPS. The company was headed by Sergey Zyuzya, General Director of Zika LLC.

KREPS owns two high-tech production facilities - plants in St. Petersburg and Aramil (Sverdlovsk region). Products of the company's plants are distributed across the North-West Federal District, the Central Region, the Southern Federal District, the Urals, Siberia, as well as in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The assortment includes more than 50 types of dry building mixtures.

Sika is a Swiss manufacturer founded in 1910 that produces building materials and other various materials for the industry. The company includes manufacturing plants, research laboratories, technical support centers and sales offices in 100 countries and employs over 24,000 employees around the world.

Region: Russia
Source: Sika
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