South Korean Caris Co. LTD, in partnership with the Uzbek Association of Manufacturers of Building Materials "Uzpromstroymaterialy", will build a cement plant in Uzbekistan with a design capacity of 1.5 million tons. Caris Karakalpak Cement plant will be built in the Beruni region of the Autonomous Republic of Karakalpakstan, and the project cost is estimated at US $350 million.
The share of the Korean company in the enterprise will be 80 %. Caris notes that the sales volume of the plant in the Beruniy region should be about $ 182 million per year. According to the feasibility study, Caris can expect an annual profit of $ 126 million.
By agreement of the parties, the Uzbek side undertakes to purchase 80 % of the products manufactured by the plant.
As of today, 30 specialized enterprises are engaged in the production of cement in the country, among which the largest are Qizilkumsement, Akhangarantsement, Quvasoycement, Bekabadcement and Almalyk mining and metallurgical plant. The total design capacity of cement enterprises in Uzbekistan is more than 12 million tons of cement per year.