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The use of crushed concrete debris from old buildings as aggregate in new concrete structures is still very limited, despite the seemingly obvious...
Issue №5, 2024
Section: Waste utilization
Keywords: concrete, recovered concrete aggregate, durability
Autor: A.S. Brykov, K.O. Chugunova.
In 2022, impacted by multiple unexpected domestic and foreign factors such as the Covid-19 pandemic, and the overall economic operation of Chinese agg...
Issue №6
Section: Review
Keywords: aggregates, production, demand, price
Autor: China Aggregates Association.
The article gives a review and analysis of the main regulatory documents establishing methods of determining the reactivity of aggregates for conc...
Issue №5, 2023
Section: Concrete
Keywords: internal deterioration of concrete, testing methods for aggregates, aggregate reacting capacity in concrete, concrete mix design, durability
Autor: V.R. Falikman, P.N. Sirotin.
The article discusses the experience of using expanded perlite in cement composites, the degree of its influence on the properties of the concrete mix...
Issue №4, 2023
Section: Concrete
Keywords: lightweight aggregate, perlite, internal cure, shrinkage
Autor: A.M. Kharitonov,, A.S. Sidorova, D.M. Andreev.
The paper shows that the technology of Portland cement nano-modification, developed in recent decades, makes it possible to use non-metallic aggregate...
Issue №5, 2022
Section: Concrete
Keywords: nanocement, concrete, aggregate
Autor: M.Ya. Bikbau.
The article deals with the mechanism of preventing salt corrosion of masonry by using sanitizing plasters. The results of the research of the influenc...
Issue №1, 2022
Section: Science and production
Keywords: salt corrosion of brickwork, sanitizing plaster, capillary suction, porous aggregates
Autor: A.M. Kharitonov, M.V. Stupak, T.A. Ivanova.
This article studies the abrasion of cement concrete coatings due to of studded rubber impact. It is shown that the abrasion resistance of the con...
Issue №2, 2021
Section: Concrete
Keywords: cement concrete pavement, concrete, coarse aggregate, wear resistance
Autor: V.V. Ushakov, O.A. Agaryshev, A. Eckert.
Concrete producers have known for a long time that optimizing the particle size distribution of concrete aggregates allows for a higher strength concr...
Issue №4, 2020
Section: Concrete
Keywords: aggregate, concrete, Portland cement, particle packing density, void volume, supplemental cementitious materials
Autor: J. Guynn, J. Kline.
The purpose of the study is to research the impact of dolomite and dolomite limestone deposits from the North-West of Russia in the cement slurry in a...
Issue №3, 2020
Section: Science and production
Keywords: Portland cement, dolomite, dolostone, dedolomitization, aggregate, alkali-silica reaction
Autor: A.S. Brykov, M.E. Voronkov, P.A. Antonov .
The intensity of the alkali-silica reaction (ASR), a destructive interaction between alkalis and reactive SiO2 in materials containing Portland cement...
Issue №2, 2020
Section: Concrete
Keywords: Portland cement, alkali silica reaction, supplementary cementing materials, gravel aggregates, fly ash, zeolite
Autor: J. Zvironaite, J. Pranckeviciene, J. Skamat, R. Stonys, J. Malaiskiene.

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